Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Losers

Ok, I’ll admit: I do not like Chris Evans. This is due to the whole Fantastic 4 thing. I just don’t care for him. I became very irritated hearing he was going to be in the new Captain America movie. When this movie first came out, I expected more irritation to come. Eventually I got over it and watched this movie…and I am happy I took the risk.

The Losers is perhaps the most cliché, manly, action movie out there. One has to ask himself…is there anything wrong with that? Not to this reviewer. The actors are amazing, even if the plot isn’t. The main story is that a U.S special force team is betrayed after a mission in Bolivia. They are betrayed by a man simply known as “Max”. The five guys (Clay, Jensen, Pooch, Roque, and Cougar) trick the U.S. government into thinking they are dead, while living in Bolivia trying to make enough money to get back to America. Enter: Aisha. Aisha comes to Clay (the man in charge) and presents him with a mission: kill Max. Max is the classic villain like a James Bond villain or Lex Luthor; he works on buying advanced weaponry that could take out entire cities and then selling them to the highest bidder. Aisha offers to get them into America in exchange for taking out the man who betrayed them. Not everything is as it seems, and the crew is in for explosions, shoot outs, and betrayals from all sides. This movie has a weak story with even a weaker ending; however, the comical side of the movie is well worth it. Every main actor (even Chris Evans) brings something to the table, and the action scenes usually deliver. Caution should be taken with Aisha, for she is both useless and extremely annoying. Hey, I warned you.

Overall I am not ashamed of having this movie in my collection. Whenever I need senseless man time I will definitely watch this movie. This movie did not do well in office, but really needs to be appreciated. I am irritated to know that they will probably not do a sequel. Go buy this movie if you can get a deal on it. Definitely worth it. It was really hard for me to decide whether this was a 3 or 4. It’s that good. Unfortunately, because of lack of a good ending with the annoyance of Aisha, I would have to give this movie 3 out of 5.

Content Advisory


In the beginning of the movie Jensen messes with toys as if they are doing something…unholy. Doesn’t last too long.

Some skimpy clothes/bikinis worn by Zoe Saldana and other ladies in the film.

Aisha at one points straddles Clay in her bra and underwear. The bra flies off and she does some serious head rotating (you don’t see anything of hers but all the same). Next thing you know they are covered in blankets on the couch.

Jensen gets caught with his pants down (literally). Nothing is seen thankfully.

Being a shoot ‘em up guy action movie, there are jokes throughout the movie that are a tad on the raunchy side.

Violence & Gore

Plenty of shootouts, one including an RPG

One guy gets his eye gouged, even though you don’t see the eyeball flying around.

Explosions occur, whether be helicopters, planes, or islands (yeah that’s right: islands).


There is some serious language here. Get used to words that begin with S, D, B, and maybe an F (I have read in other reviews the F bomb is dropped, but I haven’t caught it yet).

Frightening/Intense scenes

Nothing that is actually intense. You can guess what will happen before it actually does. Guy getting shot might be intense. Although this is an action movie, it isn’t too crazy. More comedy than action.

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