Sunday, December 12, 2010

Batman & Robin

It’s hard to know where to begin with this movie. The first question you have to ask is WHY? Why did anyone think about making this movie? Why did it make more than $5 at the box office? What happened?!

You may be wondering why the world’s biggest Batman fan is ragging on a Batman movie. Well, let’s start with the center of the problem: George Clooney. Whether you like George Clooney as an actor or not, you have to admit that he tore apart this role, and not in a good way. Batman does not partake in witty banter during fights, he just beats bad guys to a pulp. Even Adam West knew this. Clooney tries too much to be cute, to be the “world’s sexiest man” in this movie. There are scenes where he just stands there and smiles at the camera. Whoever chose Clooney for the role of Batman obviously had never read any Batman comics, EVER.

Then we come to the plot.

Well, that was a short paragraph wasn’t it? Because there was no plot. It starts with a nice little fight scene between Batman, Robin, and Mr. Freeze, which is entertaining, but for the wrong reasons. You laugh your head off at the absurdity of this movie. But after the fight scene is over, you automatically go back into the “why” mode, because the next hour and fifty minutes is full of sheer nothingness. It’s like staring into a dark abyss. The only way to stay awake through this move is to count the 26, yes that’s right, 26 ice-related puns made by Mr. Freeze himself!

Joel Schumacher did his best to offend every sense possible in this movie. The weird camera angles and lighting, the Scooby-Doo reminiscent sound effects, and the movie even smells funny. Then he offends your Bat-sense by making George Clooney into Batman with a nipple suit. Batman and Robin rightly deserves its place on the Wall of Shame. 1 out of 5.

Content Advisory


Poison Ivy wears some revealing clothes. Other than that, nothing


Cartoonish violence, nothing too out there


3 or 4 foul words are uttered, very mild

Frightening scenes

This movie is a frightening scene, because of how bad it is. The only thing that might scare you in this movie is the script

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